NOVEMBER 7-9, 2025
In today’s interconnected world, we confront challenges of increasing complexity that transcend national boundaries, ranging from climate change to global health crises, and international security to sustainable development. Addressing these issues has become imperative. Global partnership and inclusivity have emerged as the cornerstones of cooperation between nations, as no one nation can resolve these problems alone. Thus, the significance of partnerships, particularly inclusivity on a global scale, cannot be overstated. By fostering collaboration not only among nations but also among organizations and individuals, we can achieve far greater goals than any nation, organization, or individual could hope to achieve.
At the center of these efforts and alliances lies a commitment to partnership and inclusivity. The diverse issues affecting communities worldwide require collaboration among nations. Governments must prioritize collective action over individual efforts to address these challenges effectively. As the climate crisis escalates, governments must continue to engage in joint efforts to make a meaningful impact. Through global partnership and coordination, we have taken incremental steps to mitigate CO2 emissions, reduce plastic consumption, combat biodiversity loss, and more.
Genuine partnership requires inclusivity—a commitment to listening to all voices and considering all perspectives. Marginalized communities, underrepresented populations, and indigenous groups often bear the brunt of global challenges, yet their viewpoints are frequently overlooked. Commitment to inclusivity requires that we actively seek out these voices, acknowledging their unique perspectives, and integrating their alternative viewpoints to ensure that equitable solutions are reached.
The United Nations functions as an organization that promotes the ideals of multiculturalism, multilateralism, connection and serves as an international forum for collaboration that allows for such partnerships between nations. Despite the fact that hundreds of nations are represented in each organ and body of the UN, with exclusive blocs being formed in committees, committees such as the Security Council unequally giving some countries power over others, and few ways to truly enforce resolutions represent a lead to not all voices being heard. Can we truly say that true global inclusivity has been achieved in the United Nations?
As we move forward, it is critical that we reflect on how global partnerships are established, and even more important that we consider the different perspectives on each issue at hand. For instance, respecting and taking into account the ideas of minorities and indigenous groups whose opinions are rarely heard will become increasingly critical as the world becomes more connected if we want to ensure inclusivity.
Ultimately, we hope that CHEMUN XVIII will serve as grounds for delegates and student officers to engage in meaningful debate and discourse, with a larger perspective on emphasizing collaborative action as well as partnership, in order to shape positive changes in the world.

What is CHEMUN?
Since its inception in 2006, the American International School of Chennai has held a three-day annual conference for high school students who wish to show their passion and insight for contemporary international relations. As a simulation of the United Nations, CHEMUN thrives to encourage all students to come together to research, caucus, debate, support and pass resolutions to solve issues of global importance.
As a THIMUN affiliated conference, CHEMUN is an exciting opportunity for young minds to confront themselves to the most pressing issues of today’s world. It will give them an understanding of how to approach and solve global concerns. This inspiring experience encourages students to work collaboratively and exposes them to the dynamics of our world through debate and cooperation. Topics concerning twelve different forums - GA 3: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee, GA 4: Special Political and Decolonization, ECOSOC, DISEC, HRC, EC, UN4MUN, SPC, APQ, ICJ, SC, and HSC - will be introduced to the participants for them to discuss as representatives of their assigned country.